10th Montmeló 2023 Classic Car Meeting

Classic cars meeting in Montmeló 24 September 2023

The chronicle. Report

Montmeló: "10ª Trobada cotxes classics" (24 September 2023)

10th Montmeló 2023 Classic Cars Meeting - MG TA

Last Sunday, September 24, coinciding with the day of La Mercè, patron saint of the city of Barcelona, took place the 10th meeting of classic cars in the town of Montmeló. The meeting was organized by the “Classic Club Montmeló“The event was organized with the collaboration of various companies and organizations, such as the Gremi d’automoció de Catalunya, private entities such as Desguaces STOP, Mecandbox, Argemí Motors, SALA’s Center, as well as the organization of the Circuit de Catalunya (managed by a consortium in which the Generalitat de Catalunya, the RACC and the city councils of Montmeló and Barcelona participate).

This took place in the esplanade of the Ronda del Pedregar in Montmeló, usual place for shows, concerts and exhibitions, and had a special guest who was the “.Maresme Classics ClubThe “The event’s first edition”, which contributed around 75 of the 409 cars and motorcycles that participated in total, was held in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Several areas were set up on the site to accommodate the different activities and exhibitions. There was a car exhibition area, in which a sub-area was set up to exhibit some of the most unique or antique vehicles, another area for motorcycles, and a flea market of objects related to the classic car/motorcycle: spare parts and second-hand parts, as well as merchandising objects, miniatures, or collectibles. The complex was completed with a bar facility where for very cheap prices you could have breakfast, coffee, water, drinks and soft drinks.

The whole event was enlivened by a band playing live music -with a very good interpretative quality, by the way- and a speaker who was in charge of livening up the morning and sharing with the attendees the information of all the activities as they were happening.

Celebrating the Volkswagen Golf Mk-II 40th Anniversary

This year, the event was also celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Volkswagen Golf MK-ii, a true icon of the automobile industry in the 80’s – what car lover born between 1965 and 1975 had not dreamed of owning one!

During the morning: Exhibition and activities starting at 9:00 a.m.

Although the organization team had been working for several hours before, the first vehicles to be exhibited started to arrive around 8 am. The Maresme Classics Club group was one of the earliest to arrive, and in the following hour, the bulk of the vehicles were arriving. The organization set up two entrances through two different streets so that the entrance could be made smoothly.

The general public began to arrive around 10 am and gradually increased until reaching the peak between 11 am and half past one in the afternoon, an interval in which the showroom was completely full of visitors, who could enjoy the exhibition of their favorite classic cars, or meet models that may have never had the opportunity to see live and direct.

Awards and prizes. Raffle and best cars/motorcycles

During the morning, various prizes and awards were presented. In reference to the prizes, several lots of products and services offered by the different sponsors were raffled among the participants. As for the awards, motorcycles and cars were awarded according to the criteria of oldest car/bike, most elegant car/bike, and Volkswagen Golf Mk-ii in the best state of restoration.

Arrival of the Harley-Davinson group

There really isn’t much to comment on. Spectacular devices. Impressive, as always 🙂

The climax: The entrance to the Circuit de Catalunya with the vehicle itself.

As a culmination, the organization was able to arrange for all participants to drive their own vehicles around the Circuit de Catalunya.
Circuit de Catalunya
. This could be done in two possible ways:

  • Doing laps : The vehicles that wanted, could sign up to do laps of the circuit with their own vehicles. This activity required an additional payment (around 70 euros) and all the cars participating in the exhibition could sign up for it.
  • Guided tour of the circuit: An invitation to a two-lap tour of the circuit with their own vehicles was included for all participants, whether they participated in the heats or not. The organization divided them into groups of 50 cars that were able to drive around the circuit with a guide car. It is worth mentioning that, although the course did not consist of speed runs, the participants were able to savor the sensation of racing on a competition circuit.

A resounding success. We are already looking forward to the 11th competition in 2024.

In conclusion, the event was a resounding success in all aspects: An impeccable organization that made everything run like clockwork, from the access and organization of the participants to the activity inside the Circuit de Catalunya.The exhibition was also very well attended, with facilities for the public to have comfortable access, bar service, entertainment by the music group and the speaker, merchandising stands, and the collaboration of the owners who exhibited their vehicles, always willing to share all the information that visitors wanted to know, as well as their passion for these machines, a legacy of the industrial heritage of the automotive industry.

We can only congratulate the
Classic Club Montmeló
and we are certainly looking forward to the 11th event in 2024.

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