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Links to technical information on classic cars
- Subject: MG Forum in general. All models
- WEB Structure: Forum
- Country: USA
- Language: English
- Comments: Very extensive information around many topics. There are some extremely knowledgeable people (including the webmaster Lots of comments, experiences, links, very interesting discussion threads.
- Subject: MGA – Technical, historical, and commercial topics
- WEB Structure: Articles
- Country: USA
- Language: English
- Comments: More than 4000 articles related to MGA. You may find literally everything: Technicalt articles, repairs, buying guides, accessory guides, restoration tips. All. Literally everything about MGA. Probably, site owner has been compiling articles and information for years and it has become a real referece collection around the subject.
- Topic: Forum Renault Daphine, Ondine, Gordini
- WEB Structure: Forum
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Comments: Forum around the Renault Dauphine. Members are (mostly, if not entirely) Renault Dauphine/Gordini/Ondine owners very used to maintaining their vehicles themselves. Very interesting information about the model.
- Subject: Renault Dauphine test drive (vintage)
- WEB structure: Article
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: From the magazine Cuatro Ruedas 1963. It is interesting to read. Especially the part on how to correct/alleviate/prevent trajectory deviations in curves and virages with a Renault Dauphine. Although the article may be more than 50 years old, the model remains the same, so it is still fully valid.
- Subject: Renault 4CV
- WEB Structure: Articles/Forum
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Comments:
- Subject: Restoration Renault 4CV
- WEB structure: Blog
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Comments: More than 2000 photos. Very detailed step by step procedures. If you are in the process of restoring a Renault 4CV, you can find some interesting information or references
- Subject: BMW E21
- WEB Structure: Articles/Forum
- Country: Netherlands
- Language: English/Dutch
- Comments: This is a combined Blog/Forum page. It has entries in Dutch and English (although the forum part is mostly in Dutch). Lots of model information, including links references to workshop manuals and technical information. In fact it is one of the key information references around the BMW E21.
- Subject: Opel Manta
- WEB Structure: Forum
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: Great possibility to contact other Opel Manta owners. Probably the largest community of Opel Manta owners in Spain.
Site perso d’une collection importante d’autoradios anciens de près de 2000 pièces depuis les origines jusqu’aux années 80’s, une mine de renseignements: très nombreuses photos, documents d’époque, publicités et conseils techniques/Personnal website about car radios for oldtimers from the origin to…
- Subject: Old car radios
- WEB Structure: Articulos/Download documentation
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Comments: Large catalog of antique car radios. Technical maintenance and repair documentation available. Huge and very valuable compilation.
- Subject: Installation of old radio in classic car
- WEB Structure: Articles
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: How to install an old radio in an old car: In modern radios/cars, with anti-parasite protections as well as pre-installations already prepared, there are usually no problems. However, the problems appear in old radios with old cars which have no pre-installations of any kind, neither any origial protection against electrical noise. Therefore noise problems coming from dynamo, alternator, ignition, or bad ground connections, was very typical at that time : This article gives an excellent guide on how to deal with this situation.
- Subject: How a differential works
- WEB Structure: Video
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Comments: How a differential works. Although the phrase “the definitive explanation” may sound a bit pretentious given that it is a video from 1937, it really isn’t, and it certainly is “the definitive explanation.” Personally, I can tell you that it is the best I have ever seen on the subject.
Youtube channels:
- Subject: Renault 4CV
- WEB structure: Youtube Channel
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Comments: Restoration Renault 4CV. Very well explained videos
- Subject: MG (all models)
- WEB structure: Youtube Channel
- Country: USA
- Language: English
- Comments: Repairs, maintenance, mechanical/technical tips around MG cars. The person who manages the channel (John Twist) is a real authority on the subject.
Documentos del Motor
Documentos del Motor es un canal dedicado a revivir la historia de la automoción entre los años 1950 y 200 a través de sus protagonistas. Para ello en nuestros vídeos cada uno de los coches nos cuenta su historia, aderezada siempre de documentación propia de la época (información comercial, publicid…
- Subject: Reports on the history of the automotive industry
- WEB structure: Youtube Channel
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: It is a channel that even when in a quick classification it could simply be catalogued as “classic car reports”, it is actually much more: with a very careful writing and staging, the channel contains a collection of exquisite reports that cover not only the vehicles “in themselves” but also a detailed exposition of their history, environment, evolution, or the social or economic impacts they generated in each period of time. Each video is a priceless entity which makes a real pleasure to watch.
PowerArt Guille García Alfonsín
El canal de PowerArt by Guille García Alfonsín (@GuilleAlfonsin), un lugar donde encontrar documentales y reportajes sobre temas relacionados con el motor. Desde técnica hasta pruebas, carreras desde dentro, preparaciones y modificaciones, rutas... y un sinfín de cosas más. El contenido de PowerArt…
- Topic: Automotive: Reports, new cars, used cars, classics, vehicle engineering
- WEB structure: Youtube Channel
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: The channel is directed and presented by an automotive engineer, Guille García Alfonsín, who will introduce you to motor related topics approached from many points of view. You will find videos of new cars, classic cars, visits to related entities, or technical reports. This last part is – in our opinion – one of the most valuable parts of the channel: the channel team exposes technical topics, some very specialized monographic ones, making a great combination of theory and practice that make the videos a pleasure to watch. Their videos about the Wankel engine, or cars with turbine engines, are really a must-see – just to give an example.
Garaje Hermético
Pretendemos ser un canal de motor distinto. Queremos formar una comunidad de “garajistas”, de verdaderos aficionados. Y queremos ser diferentes no solo por los temas que tratamos, sino por como los tratamos. Queremos ser amenos, pero precisos. No somos unos expertos aburridos ni unos aficionados hab…
- Topic: Motoring reports and history with a focus for amateurs (or wannabes).
- WEB structure: Youtube Channel
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: Channel led by Máximo Sant, a motoring journalist who has spent whole life dedicated to it. With a resume of journalist, engineer, pilot, trainer, editor/director of magazines such as the very well known (in Spain) “Autopista”, the Garaje Hermético team offers you a series of videos (three per week) covering a wide range of topics or approaches. You may find, from the classic monographic documentaries on specific models, to motorsport topics, technical videos, explanations of systems, curiosities, or reports on the automotive industry in a specific historical context. I recommend you to visit the channel, because each new proposed topic will surprise you.
Official channel of, a bunch of mad engineers addicted to the world of motorsport and classics. We are dedicated to the restoration / modification of classic cars, swaps, mechanics, electronics, electricity, programmable motor control units, welding and manufacturing, DIY, etc.…
- Subject: Restoration of vehicles, training, mechanics, electricity
- WEB structure: Youtube Channel
- Country: Spain
- Language: Spanish
- Comments: This is a group of engineers (most likely industrial, telecommunications or similar) automotive enthusiasts (although some are professionally engaged) who share their automotive related work. You may find a bit of evertything: vehicle restoration, “how to” videos, use of tools or equipment, improvements, legal aspects. A great compilation of very detailed and high quality material. To give an example, don’t miss the list of videos of the Mini restoration (about 100 videos). It is a very worthwhile channel.
Vistas: 44